Inspire Planning Meeting : 12.2.25
Held at : Inspire Garden
1. Seeds and Sowing
- Salad crops have been sown in the top greenhouse.
- Chris B has started off chillies and tomatoes, Martin has started off Gourmet Japeno chillies (these are the chillies we will sell on May Day).
- Mike will take leeks to start at home.
- Onions and broad beans have been started in 6 cells.
- To do – Martin will sow some basil and parsley. Peppers need to be started off too. Parsnips to be sown. Early March – sow brussels, red cabbage and calebrese. Pauline agreed to take some courgettes to start at home, for sale on May Day.
2. Potato Day order
- Potatoes are now being chitted in the caravan.
3. Compost Bins
- Bins being sorted and compost moved.
4. Equipment Overhaul
- Mike is investigating suitable net cages for brassicas.
- Angela threw out several pairs of gloves and made a new label “Leather and Work Gloves” for the drawer underneath the glove drawer.
- Angela has created a temporary label and stuck it on a plastic box for old/questionable small equipment to be evaluated/repaired/thrown out.
- Agreed we should have a notice pinned on the inside of the bottom shed door encouraging people to clean forks and spades before putting them away. Angela to ask Chris B as to whether he has a laminator.
5. Hot Boxes
- Martin is going to get around 12 bags of “muck” early March.
- Pauline will move the fleeces to the bottom polytunnel ready for use.
6. Compost
- Wickes have approved our request for free compost – Mike will liaise with them regarding this.
7. Outside Labels
- Martin has brought in the slats from his futon and they are being painted ready to be made into labels. Chris A has some similar wood and will bring it in.
- Martin will label the fruit trees.
- “Pick Me” large labels to be made to be used round the garden.
8. Fruit Trees
- Martin is making good progress pruning the fruit trees.
- Rootstock – one shoot has appeared, which Martin is going to try grafting with it.
9. May Day
- Martin has been growing perennial herbs at home. He will bring them in early March and hand them over to Mike, who will organise potting on.
10. General Maintenance Work
- Bottom two greenhouses are a priority for cleaning. Mike will organise the purchase of some anti-bacterial spray.
Next Meeting : 19th March
Inspire Planning Meeting 15.1.25
Held at : Inspire Garden
1. Seeds
- To start sowing salad crops in the top greenhouse – rocket, lambs lettuce, pak choi, mizuna, mibuna, cress, radishes.
- Chris B to start off chillies by the beginning of February, and tomatoes by mid February.
- Martin agreed to take Gourmet Japeno chillies to start off at home – these are the chillies we will sell on May Day.
- Leeks – to start off mid February
- Onions to start off in 6 cells in February.
2. Potato Day order
- Martin will transport our order back from Potato Day to the garden.
3. Compost Bins
- Need sorting, emptying and moving. Compost to be put on top of cardboard in plots A and B.
4. Equipment overhaul
- Mike has been successful in bidding for a grant to cover the cost of new equipment, including a movable cage for brassicas.
- Angela will overhaul the garden gloves, throwing out as necessary.
- Agreed we should create a box in the shed where equipment such as secateurs could be put for review as to whether they can be resurrected or thrown out. Angela to create a temporary label with the idea that a permanent label should be painted on later.
5. Hot Boxes
- Martin to go early March to get “muck”.
- We must make sure this year that if there is to be a cold night that fleece is put over the boxes to protect the plants from frost.
6. Lime
- Lime has already been applied to Plot B.
7. Compost
- Pauline will approach Wickes for discounted or free multi purpose/potting peat free compost.
8. Outside labels
- Martin will donate the slats from his shed futon to be used for outside labels, and will pick up some free gloss paint from Stonegravels.
9. Fruit Trees
- Martin will start pruning the fruit trees.
Next Meeting : 12.2.25 at 1pm in the caravan
Inspire Planning Meeting 2.10.24
Held at : Inspire Garden
1. Rotation, greenhouses, polytunnel and raised beds
Plot A : Brassicas, with sweetcorn on the left hand side.
Plot B : Squashes, courgettes, beans
Plot C : Potatoes
Plot D : Leeks, beetroot, root crops
Cucumbers, peas and beans
Tomatoes (replace compost)
Raised beds
Dwarf french beans and herbs
2. Seeds to be bought
Beetroot – Cylindra and Bolt Hardy
Brassicas – brussels/red cabbage/purple sprouting broccoli/calebrese
Herbs – basil, parsley, coriander, oregano tarragon (russian)
Chillies – Helen to try and source a medium flavoured variety
Garlic – Helen to order 2 varieties
3. Potato Day order
Some varieties we planted last year are not available to order this year. To go with last year’s order but replace Homeguard with Swift, and replace Carolus with Orla.
4. Green Manures
To sow field beans as soon as possible.
5. Strawberries
To clear off runners, retaining around 60 to make up a limited number of 6 cells to sell on May Day market.
6. Equipment Overhaul
It was agreed that over winter we need to overhaul equipment – gloves, secateurs, small and large tools, and replace where necessary. It was also agreed that some sort of removable cage over the brassicas would be a great help in weeding, accessing and harvesting the brassicas.
Next Meeting : 15th January 1pm in the caravan – meeting to include discussion of the best time to plant seeds.