Events Calendar

What's on

Date for our next quarterly Transition Chesterfield meeting;

All welcome at the meetings with committee members and project leaders.

Donations help our projects to continue!


Or scan our QR code


Projects & Campaigns

Monthly workshop to repair household items

Lots of donated seeds to swap.

ECO-HUB – meeting @The Hub, Low Pavement.

Home energy saving advice.

Monthly litter pick based in the Queen’s Park.

Crafters Bazaar in Chesterfield market, annual event.

Responses to planning application.

Eco Homes events

Skillshare workshops sharing knowledge.

Climate Emergency

Annual sale of seed potatoes, alliums & legumes

Active Travel

Annual collection of surplus fruit for distribution

Wednesdays 1pm-3pm, Sundays 10am-3pm. All welcome

(Separate registered charity)

Affiliated Projects & Supported Campaigns

Free bicycle checks and repairs at monthly workshops.