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A series of monthly Zoom workshops on different subjects leading to COP 26 in Glasgow.

Transition Chesterfield supports the improvement of walking and cycling infrastructure within the borough together with other measures to encourage more people in Chesterfield to walk or cycle to improve their health, reduce dependency on cars (and oil) and improve the quality of life. Find out what we are doing to promote this in Chesterfield.

Transition Chesterfield, together with 13 other groups all over Derbyshire, have a Divest Derbyshire campaign to get the Derbyshire Pension Fund to divest (i.e. dis-invest) from fossil fuels which are both a climate risk and a financial risk.

Plastic Free Chesterfield campaigning against single use plastics and asking businesses to sigh up to a pledge.


Transition Chesterfield is a member of the Derbyshire Climate Coalition which formed in early 2019 to call on councils across Derbyshire and Derby to declare a climate emergency and develop action plans.

Transition Chesterfield Repair Café signed the Manchester Declaration:  in July 2019.  This was drawn up at an event held in Manchester in October 2018, the first national gathering of repair activists.  The Declaration asks UK legislators and decision-makers, as well as product manufacturers and designers, to stand for the Right to Repair.  Repair should be more accessible and affordable.  And we should adopt product standards so that products are better supported, well documented and easier to repair by design.

In September 2019, at the International Fixfest in Berlin, the campaign was extended to Europe and the campaign for the Right to Repair in Europe was launched, see