Next Eco Hub meetings:
Eco Hub – Keeping Backyard Chickens
31 January @ 10:30 am - 12:00 pm
Or watch below!
The Eco Hub is our space for discussion, learning, creativity, inspiration and hope for a cleaner, greener future for Chesterfield. We use the Hub at Low Pavements.
Our Eco Hub provides the opportunity for people interested in sustainability issues to come together to share experiences and information in an informal way. We’ve run a variety of sessions so far, from creating your own Postcards from the Future, to a talk on natural flood management; from packing seed potatoes to advice on home energy saving.
Our project began on a trial basis on Friday mornings between September and May 2024. Almost 400 people participated in the 31 different sessions we held. We now hope to continue to use the Hub on Low Pavements for further sessions at least once a month.
Do come along to one of our scheduled sessions. You’ll be very welcome. Refreshments provided.
For details of upcoming sessions see the Transition Chesterfield events calendar or sign up to our monthly newsletter here.
Any queries or suggestions for talks/events at the Eco Hub, please contact