
Solar PV and batteries


With the cost of solar PV panels and battery storage coming down and the average household electricity bill costing over £700/year, is now the time to think about installing them and making your home more eco-friendly? This online workshop will explore how solar panels and batteries can

Meeting to discuss survey


Thank you very much to everyone who took the time to complete our online survey. To read the full report, click on this link We will be meeting to discuss the actions we hope to take in the light of this survey. Anyone interested is welcome to join us

Divest Derbyshire meeting


On Friday 24 March 2023, divestment campaigners across the UK are gathering for our biggest day of action yet! In Derbyshire we intend to raise the Jabberwocky Oil Monster for this occasion (see picture above). In preparation for this, there will be a taster and workshop session (movement, drumming

Crafting Clearance Market meeting


Crafting Clearance Market - name soon to be finalised. This is a market for crafters wanting to declutter and shift excess craft stuff that they've been hoarding for too long and for anyone to browse and discover some finds for their creations. Date now booked for Sunday 10th

Transition Meeting


Join Zoom meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82508835191?pwd=ODBkSWVEdjVGbHhBOVdvYlZiNzZXZz09 Meeting ID: 825 0883 5191 Passcode: 602199

Webinar on the Financial Risks of Fossil Fuel Investment


This webinar, aimed at Derbyshire County, Borough, District and Derby City Councillors (though open to anyone), is designed to look at the evidence about the financial risks of fossil fuel investment and answer questions that Councillors may have about the Derbyshire Pension Fund’s continued investment in fossil

Transition Chesterfield

Making Chesterfield More Sustainable