
Eco Hub – Energy Advice

The Hub 61 Low Pavement, Chesterfield, United Kingdom

Energy advice session – call in for specialist energy saving advice from charity energy experts Marches Energy Agency. Also learn how to make your own draught excluders.

Working With Nature to Reduce Flood Risks – an EcoHub talk

Join us for presentations by Derbyshire Wildlife Trust and Don Catchment Rivers Trust who will explore how nature-based solutions can help address the climate and nature emergencies. We will find out about natural flood management and rewilding projects in North Derbyshire with time to ask questions and


Eco Hub – Woodland Restoration Workshop

The Hub 61 Low Pavement, Chesterfield, United Kingdom

The woodland slopes of the Derbyshire Dales have been devastated by ash dieback. An estimated 600,000 ash trees are now infected, which could lead to the loss of special habitats they support. However, an exciting project called LIFE in the Ravines, based in the Peak District's Dale


Crafters Bazaar

Chesterfield market Market Place, Chesterfield, -, United Kingdom

Our third Crafters Bazaar will be held on Chesterfield market on Sunday 19th May. If you’ve not heard of Crafters Bazaar and you practise any crafts then please read on to find out more about it. Most people who craft have a stash of crafting materials, tools,

Eco Hub: Environmental Workshop led by DCRT

The Hub 61 Low Pavement, Chesterfield, United Kingdom

Don Catchment Rivers Trust are organising group environmental discussions as part of their All Hands on the Don project. This first session will try out the format – with information at the start about the current state of rivers and then widening the discussion to areas of


Pop-Up Repair Cafe, Vicar Lane

We're hosting a pop-up Repair Cafe to mark Great Big Green Week 2024. This is at Coffee#1, which is opposite JD Sports on Vicar Lane, Chesterfield town centre. If you have something that needs fixing, we may be able to help you mend it. This helps prevent

Transition Chesterfield

Making Chesterfield More Sustainable