The Hub

Eco Hub: Neighbourhood Nature Plan Forum

The Hub 61 Low Pavement, Chesterfield, United Kingdom

Now is a critical time for wildlife. Transition Chesterfield will host an evening of small group discussions about our local priorities for action on nature, wildlife and biodiversity in the Chesterfield area. We hope that these discussions can lead to further campaigning for action. This forum is

Eco Hub: Environmental Workshop led by DCRT

The Hub 61 Low Pavement, Chesterfield, United Kingdom

Don Catchment Rivers Trust are organising group environmental discussions as part of their All Hands on the Don project. This first session will try out the format – with information at the start about the current state of rivers and then widening the discussion to areas of


Transition Chesterfield Quarterly Gathering

The Hub 61 Low Pavement, Chesterfield, United Kingdom

Join us to hear the latest developments across our projects - for further details see the May newsletter.


Eco Hub – Woodland Restoration Workshop

The Hub 61 Low Pavement, Chesterfield, United Kingdom

The woodland slopes of the Derbyshire Dales have been devastated by ash dieback. An estimated 600,000 ash trees are now infected, which could lead to the loss of special habitats they support. However, an exciting project called LIFE in the Ravines, based in the Peak District's Dale


Eco Hub – Pop-up Repair Cafe

The Hub 61 Low Pavement, Chesterfield, United Kingdom

The EcoHub is hosting a pop-up version of our monthly repair café. Got a household or clothing item that needs repairing? Call in and we’ll see if we can fix it for you.


Eco Hub – Climate Conversations

The Hub 61 Low Pavement, Chesterfield, United Kingdom

A session facilitated by volunteers to talk about climate change, the impact on our area and what we might do about it. To book go to Eventbrite: or email:


Skillshare Workshop: Upcycle your fabric scraps

The Hub 61 Low Pavement, Chesterfield, United Kingdom

Upcycling fabric scraps: ideas for re-using fabric scraps and making simple patchwork Join Angie to learn some basic hand stitching techniques to turn your scraps of fabric into new items including making simple patchwork. This is a great way to preserve the memory of a bygone garment

Eco Hub – Reaching Out

The Hub 61 Low Pavement, Chesterfield, United Kingdom

A discussion about how we explain what Transition Chesterfield does when we talk to others and a chance to consider how we can attract new people.

Eco Hub Climate Conversations

The Hub 61 Low Pavement, Chesterfield, United Kingdom

Everyone is talking about climate! Be part of the conversation. Join us for small group discussions to explore ideas about how we can reduce our carbon impacts both as individuals and as a community. These fun and interactive sessions will be led by our volunteer facilitators using

Eco Hub Library of Things

The Hub 61 Low Pavement, Chesterfield, United Kingdom

Discussion about a ‘Library of Things’. Would you be interested in borrowing household items such as a drill, a sewing machine or hedgetrimmers? In this session we’ll discuss the feasibility of having a Library (or Libraries) of Things in Chesterfield. All welcome.

Eco Hub Climate Conversations

The Hub 61 Low Pavement, Chesterfield, United Kingdom

Everyone is talking about climate! Be part of the conversation. Join us for small group discussions to explore ideas about how we can reduce our carbon impacts both as individuals and as a community. These fun and interactive sessions will be led by our volunteer facilitators using

Eco Hub Green Mapping

The Hub 61 Low Pavement, Chesterfield, United Kingdom

We will be showcasing where we’re up to with our ‘green map’ (also known as our sustainability web) and inviting ideas and suggestions on how we make the most of this resource in Chesterfield. All welcome.

Transition Chesterfield

Making Chesterfield More Sustainable