Transition Chesterfield

Eco Hub – Coffee and Chat

The Hub 61 Low Pavement, Chesterfield, United Kingdom

Members and supporters are welcome to drop in and socialise over a hot drink and mince pie. There might be a few Christmas themed sustainable art & craft activities and a fun quiz too!

Eco Hub

The Hub 61 Low Pavement, Chesterfield, United Kingdom

A session to plan activity in 2025. Join us to share your ideas for Eco Hub sessions. Our last Eco Hub meeting of the year.

Clothes-Wise drop-in

The Hub 61 Low Pavement, Chesterfield, United Kingdom

Volunteers from our new project Clothes-Wise will share information and skills to make, mend, care for and upcycle garments so that they will last for longer, at the Hub on Saturday Dec 14th, 2-4pm. Drop in with any clothes that need some TLC. We'll help with advice and practical

Christmas Gathering

The Hub 61 Low Pavement, Chesterfield, United Kingdom

Monday 16th December, 6 for 6.30pm, The Hub, 61 Low Pavements, Chesterfield S40 1PB All members and supporters are welcome to join us for food and drink (including wine) to celebrate the festive period. A social evening with music and a 'Hub quiz'. There will be a

Eco Hub – Coffee and Chat

The Hub 61 Low Pavement, Chesterfield, United Kingdom

Join us for a chance to catch up on the latest plans. We’ll also be discussing skills and knowledge we have but don’t always share. An opportunity to unearth skills we have as a group.

Eco Hub – Tree Inspirations Creative Workshop

The Hub 61 Low Pavement, Chesterfield, United Kingdom

Share our enjoyment of trees through drawing & painting, collage and poems and with a chance to talk about how trees communicate. No previous experience needed. Creative materials will be available or feel able to bring your own. If you have a favourite tree-themed poem, bring it

Eco Hub

The Hub 61 Low Pavement, Chesterfield, United Kingdom

Potato Day preparation

Eco Hub

The Hub 61 Low Pavement, Chesterfield, United Kingdom

Potato Day preparation

Potato Day

Collect your pre orders from our pop up shop, we will also be selling seed potatoes, onions, shallots, garlic, beans, peas and green manure.  

Eco Hub – Keeping Backyard Chickens

The Hub 61 Low Pavement, Chesterfield, United Kingdom

A talk by Paul Richardson on the essentials of keeping your own chickens, from selecting breeds and setting up a coop, to daily care and health management.

Eco Hub – Coffee and Chat

The Hub 61 Low Pavement, Chesterfield, United Kingdom

Growing theme with an opportunity to buy surplus potato and seed stock from Potato Day and browse our Seed Swap.

Transition Chesterfield

Making Chesterfield More Sustainable