Green manures are fast-growing plants sown to cover bare soil. Often used in the vegetable garden, their foliage smothers weeds and their roots prevent soil erosion. When dug into the ground while still green, they return valuable nutrients to the soil and improve soil structure.
Following our trial of selling a greater variety of green manures on the day in 2023 we have now expanded our range to pre order to seven different types of green manure. They are all in convenient pack sizes for the same price. All will cover 25 square metres of soil each except Field Beans which will cover 16 square metres of soil.

Field Beans. An overwintering green manure and are generally winter hardy. They germinate well in colder weather from September-November. Field Beans are particularly good on heavy soils and their deep roots are not only able to penetrate & break up the soil but fix nitrogen too.
£1.35 pack to cover 16 square metres of soil.

Forage Pea Green Manure is a member of the legume family that is excellent at fixing nitrogen and has deep penetrative roots that help to break up the soil. It can grow up to 1 metre tall.
Forage Pea is excellent for over wintering and can be sown from September to November. It has good weed suppressing qualities but its foliage is not as bulky as some other green manures that overwinter.
It is possible to use Forage Pea mixed with other green manures, however good enough to use on its own too.
£1.35 pack to cover 25 square metres of soil.

Grazing Rye. This variety is not to be confused with ryegrass. It has an extensive root system for improving soil structure.
£1.35 pack to cover 25 square metres of soil.

Mustard is a fast growing green manure that can be sown from March to the end of September. It has a growing period of 1-2 months and can reach 60-90cm tall. This half-hardy annual grows on most soil types but particularly likes fertile ones. It may require additional watering in dry periods especially to help it establish.
Mustard produces large volumes of green matter and residual fibre which when chopped up and dug in is particularly good for soil that lacks organic matter as it helps to improve soil texture and moisture retention.
Mustard Green Manure is part of the brassica family so caution is needed if sown before a brassica in a crop rotation plan as it may increase the likelihood of diseases.
£1.35 pack to cover 25 square metres of soil.

Phacelia. Naturally adds organic matter into the soil and attracts beneficial pollinating insects. Very fast growing, can be dug in during the summer or over wintered to dig in the following spring. Vigorous foliage suppresses weeds well and soil is protected from erosion and leaching, especially in winter.
£1.35 pack to cover 25 square metres of soil.

Red Clover. One of the best ‘nitrogen fixers’, provides high yields of nutrient rich organic matter. Suitable for exposed and windy locations revitalises poor soils naturally, reducing soil erosion. A fast growing fast growing weed suppressant, providing excellent habitat for beneficial insects and tolerant of heavy clay soils.
£1.35 pack to cover 25 square metres of soil.

Tares/Vetch. Winter Tares, also known as ‘Vetch’ is a hardy annual that can be sown March-May or July-September for over-wintering. It is good at nitrogen-fixing and is extremely competitive against weed suppression, forming an aggressive canopy rapidly on heavier soils but avoid acid or dry soils and dig in.
£1.35 pack to cover 25 square metres of soil.