Unfortunately ‘Pink Fir Apple’ & ‘Carolus’ are not available this year but we have added ‘Valor’.
Plant Maincrop seed potatoes mid-late March, dependant on weather conditions. All of our Scottish seed potatoes are supplied by JBA (Jamieson Brothers of Annan) and are certified virus free.
Apply 135g/sq m (4oz per sq yard) of fertiliser to the soil before planting and gently work into the soil.
Estimated harvest time 15 – 22 weeks.

Cara is a popular maincrop variety due to the blight resistance. Tubers are round with white skin and pink eyes. Excellent drought and disease resistance.
Organic – Blight Resistant
Best kitchen uses: BAKE – BOIL – CHIP – ROAST

Desiree is one of our most popular maincrop variety! This very reliable variety has oval red skinned tubers and pale yellow flesh. Good drought and disease resistance.
Best kitchen uses: BAKE – BOIL – CHIP – MASH – ROAST

If you’re looking for a great keeper to store over the winter months, then ‘Kerrs Pink’ is one of the best. Ireland’s favourite potato, ‘Kerrs Pink’ produces slightly irregular, oval tubers with pinkish eyes and its low water content enables it to store extremely well. Floury and starchy it also makes great mash, roasties and chips.
Best kitchen uses: MASH – CHIP – ROAST

King Edward. One of the most famous potatoes on the market, has excellent cooking and taste qualities. This variety has been around for a century.
Heritage Variety
Best kitchen uses: BAKE – BOIL – CHIP – MASH – ROAST

Maris Piper is the classic ‘chip shop’ potato and is grown on a large commercial scale. The tubers are oval in shape with white skin and cream coloured flesh.
Best kitchen uses: BAKE – BOIL – CHIP – ROAST

Orla is a popular variety with organic growers due to the blight resistance. It is one of the better tasting varieties and produces large crops of bold white tubers.
Organic – Blight Resistant
Best kitchen uses: BAKE – BOIL – CHIP – MASH – ROAST

Dell produces large oval tubers with white skin and creamy coloured flesh. This variety has good resistance to all disease and some resistance to slugs.
Blight Resistant
Best kitchen uses: BAKE – CHIP – ROAST

Picasso tubers are round to oval in shape with white smooth skins and pink eyes. It is very popular for allotment growers due to its high disease resistance. Great in the kitchen and stores very well.
Best kitchen uses: BAKE – BOIL – CHIP – ROAST

The most blight resistant variety available in the UK. Slug resistance is good and so is its general disease resistance.
Very Blight Resistant
Best kitchen uses: BAKE – BOIL – CHIP – ROAST

Setanta is a great variety for the allotment grower. It has a reasonably smooth red skin and yellow flesh. Tubers are oval in shape with shallow eyes. Excellent blight and scab resistance, combined with great taste!
Organic – Blight Resistant
Best kitchen uses: BAKE – BOIL – CHIP – MASH – ROAST

Valor seed potatoes show great levels of blight resistance matched with the ability to produce large crops of bold white tubers.
Bred by Jack Dunnett, Valor has a high tolerance of heat and drought whilst their flesh is cream coloured and of a floury texture.
Best kitchen uses: BAKE – BOIL – ROAST